The Red Chair Experience
Daily Inspiration For Success In Life & Business
“A journey of a thousand Chinese miles starts beneath one's feet” – Chinese proverb

When you seek inspiration, hope, truth, or more depth: often those wishes, comforts, or other pursuits will elude you. Frustration is natural. You go to your favorite relaxing spot. Maybe you have a place like a trail, a body of water, or even a simple chair that you go to that envelops and comforts you, bringing a deep sense of peace. With these 366 entries, you will find a daily dose of inspiration. The Red Chair Experience is written for uplifting your heart and soul, or to find new opportunities. When implemented the concepts of these pages will help you develop intimacy, integrity, and spirituality with yourself and others.
We all need our alone time to refocus or find balance in our lives. So, grab a cup of coffee, find your red chair, and let’s begin your life changing journey. You can change everything with your next decision. Get inspired, take action, step out of your comfort zone. Become a new or better version of yourself. You can heal past wounds, reconnect with loved ones, chase dreams, and most of all follow your passion.
This is your moment!
Photo Credit: Cassie Rae
Cover Design: Laura Edgerly
"Chris Michel has created a fresh space for tackling life's challenges. The Red Chair is a seat at the table, and it's reserved for you - so that you can access clear-headed ideas from inside the coaching conversation. Creative and inspiring, this book will point you towards greater resilience and resourcefulness on a daily basis."
“This book is a wonderful compilation of Chris' great wisdom and wit. All with this goal for you to take a moment for yourself in the whirlwind of life!” – Jennifer Andersen Smith, Inspirational Speaker and author of “So That: For Relationships”
“Wow this is deep, and every thought is relevant! This type of reading can be enjoyed by anyone that is introspective wanting to simply achieve a more balanced emotional life. This would be a great resource sitting beside one’s Bible at their favorite ‘red leather chair’!”
“Chris Michel’s book, The Red Chair Experience provides real-world, practical, and valuable daily inspiration. Chris covers numerous topics about our everyday lives from A to Z. The readings are short and to the point so within a few minutes, you will have what you need for the day or the challenge that you may be facing. I highly recommend it and have no doubt that you too will appreciate the insight provided.”
“The Red Chair Experience is full of insight and wisdom. Each entry is short and concise giving the reader food for thought to move forward. Chris states the topic and gives several examples to help the reader understand what he is teaching. The best part, though, is a call to action at the end of the entry. It ties up his wisdom with a nice red bow.”
“With ‘The Red Chair Experience’, Chris provides a thoughtful exploration of how mindset matters. He challenges the reader to take a deep exploration of their approach to every day - not just in business, but in all aspects of life. Chris foregoes offering up a list of simplistic sales tactics, and in doing so, gives us a much richer guide for success. There is much to be gleaned from the passages in this book.”
“What a nice surprise. When you read each daily piece, it takes a quick journey into your own thoughts. You compare your own experiences to what the author is telling us about and then come out at the end with a satisfying conclusion to the story. You can extend those thoughts and apply them to certain circumstances you might run into. What a great way to start each day!”
“Coach Chris has created a brilliant daily devotional for experiencing greater success and elevated wellbeing. The collective wisdom he shares through his stories and the reflective inquiries he offers are sure to keep you inspired throughout your day to live your best life and do your best work.”
This is a book to be savored and read slowly. It's a 'sit down with a cup of warm tea' type of book where reading it feels more like a conversation with a dear friend who is gently asking the questions that you might not want to ask yourself - but you know you should.
Each page is a daily reminder that life is not one-dimensional, even though these days it might feel like it is. There is no judgment, just curiosity and a gentle nudge of "here's a perspective that you might want to consider." It's an encouragement - and permission to some of us - to step back and ponder life, business, love, and all in between for years and years to come.
“I loved it so much. I love the diversity of the quotes and the authenticity of your writing. I can hear your voice in it so clearly. I suspect it is going to be such an inspirational book for so many, including myself.”
Easy to digest daily insights and thought challenges that also inspire delving deeper into the reader’s assumptions. Chris Michel invites his readers on a path of insight and curiosity, with an eye toward cultivating compassion toward themselves and others. A wonderful addition to anyone’s daily self-care!
For book club this month, we are reading one of your daily readings each morning as a team, for 30 days. We are really enjoying your book and it’s created some thought-provoking discussions.
I am really enjoying the book! Love that it's a short, motivational reading every day that is relevant for me as a small business owner.
I received my book and upon reading the daily inspirational quotes quickly realized it was becoming part of my daily morning routing. I have a room & a chair in my home that is my red chair experience. I look forward to starting my day with the Red Chair Experience! 5 Star's
You have a voice, tell us what you thought of the book. And give Coach Chris an Honest review.