Doing Your Best Right Now

An Excerpt from The Red Chair Experience. Order your signed copy here or get the digital or audio versions here.


“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” – Oprah Winfrey


Do you know when you are doing your best and when you are not? I’m sure you do. Maybe this is when you put your heart and soul on a project at work or doing a project at home, or in a relationship. Why is it that we feel that there are times when it is ok to not give our all? Doing your best - OprahI have been in situations where I am not one hundred percent, physically or emotionally, and when I can see I am not being effective or helping out the situation but instead hurting those around me then I have to step back and get better. An injured athlete is only able to do so much for their team until they become a hindrance. Being mentally, emotionally, or even physically injured can hinder your performance at work, and you do not have to be an athlete to see that. Sometimes sixty percent of you is better than none of you. But you know when that is the case, and you can feel it from the others around you as well. I do not like being less than one hundred percent because I like most of the things that I do. Some are just things that need to get done, but even those I want to give my all, like cleaning the house or a report at work. I have been on a team when I realized I was not happy, and it started affecting my performance. I was not able to give one hundred percent of myself and that hurt the team, not just me. I had to make it right or stop being a part of the team and I chose to not be a part of the team because my performance was not going to improve. The team was better without me, and I was better without the team.

When you find you are not able to give one hundred percent, how do you handle it? What can you do to give your best today? What does that look like for you, where you are right now? 


If you are ready to work with a coach to learn how to be your best more consistently, contact us today for a free one-to-one conversation. Let's see how we can contribute to your success.

Posted in HVAC, Personal, Sales, The Red Chair Experience.