“I’m an artist; affirmation is like catnip to me.” – Andrea Riseborough
Are you someone that feels the tug and need for affirmation? I am that type of person. I can be left to do a job and when I am finished it is not enough for me to know that I have done a good job. I like to hear that other people think I did a good job as well. Once I hear that I can move on but if I do not hear that I start to wonder if they think I am doing a decent job. That can lead to too many conversations in my head that usually do not end well for me.
Now, I do not need affirmations all the time, but it helps me and my psyche to know that I am on the right path. You may find this to be true for you as well. We all need to know that we are doing a good job, not a parade or big celebratory type of party in our honor. We just need to hear the words, “well done!” It has been said that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Sometimes we do not get because we do not give. We do not give praise or affirmation to others and therefore we do not receive it ourselves.
Can you give someone a sincere compliment with specifics so that it is not hollow? Something like this, "You did a great job handling that situation. You listened to the customer and made them feel felt as you were able to correct the situation for them." When we start to do this for others, it is amazing to see how things come back around to us in the same form as we give. We have to pay attention to situations to see the good in people. When we do that it can make all the difference in the world. If I am sincere in my praise or affirmations to others it seems to come back to me from places that I would never expect it to come from.
Today, I will look for ways that I can give praise or affirmations to others and be open to the affirmations I receive.
This excerpt was taken from The Red Chair Experience by Chris Michel. Get your signed copy here or you can get your copy here on Amazon.