- What is a Sales Process?
- It is a step-by-step guide to help create a consistent result. Proven and repeatable steps, yet flexible enough to allow for updates and changes in your marketplace or business.
- A great sales process can help your team become wildly successful because it gives them a road map. You are removing doubt and replacing it with certainty. That builds confidence in you and your team!
- Without a process your team is left up to their own devices. Which means that you may find wins, but is it consistent?
"Companies following a sales process can increase their revenue by at least 18%, according to the Harvard Business Review." Source: The Brooks Group
- What would you do if you could guarantee an increase in sales by 18%?
- Would you stop all your salespeople and start training them on this new way of doing things or would you be content with letting 18% go through their fingers and yours?
- Adding a sales process can be a challenge if you have never had one and your sales team are living in the wild west. We all like the cowgirl when she is selling but what happens when they hit a slump? A process can help to eliminate things like slumps.
- A solid, proven, and repeatable processes can provide a consistent stream of wins for your salespeople and for your company.
"According to the Objective Management Group, 68% of all salespeople do not follow a sales process. Meanwhile, another study shows that 70% of companies that do follow a structured sales process are categorized as high performers. Studies by TAS Group found that companies that implement a sales process outperform companies that do not." Source: The Sales Fuel
- Are your salespeople using the process that you have in place or are they winging it?
- With studies that show 68% of salespeople not using a process AND showing the success of those that use one, how confident are you that your team is using one? This can be a chance to show the benefits of using a process to your team. They can and will be more effective when they use the process.
- Is your competition beating you most of the time? Maybe they have a process. You may disagree with this but, it rarely is about price when you have the right process, and your team is using it properly.
- If your process is outdated or ineffective, then get the team involved to update it. When the team is involved, you ensure that your new process will be a success.
- If it needs to be tweaked, then use that as an opportunity to change it. Do you need to continue to coach your team on how to use the process properly? Keep coaching until they know the process. If you are uncomfortable with coaching or training, get someone who can help you involved so that you can start seeing success sooner rather than later.
- How does it help?
- It gives you a clear path to success
- When you have a proven and repeatable process it creates success, and that success will continue as you and your team continue to use the process.
- It unifies the team because it can help hold your team accountable with each other and to leadership.
- If everyone is using the same process, then each member of your sales team can and will hold the others accountable as they each learn and use the process.
- Easily measurable and trackable.
- It allows the sales leader or owner to ask the proper questions and know where the customers are at in the pipeline.
- It speeds up the onboarding process
- This is true for new salespeople because it gives them the roadmap for success in your company, remember this is a proven and repeatable process. Think plug and play when it comes to finding the right people to join your organization.
- It gives you a clear path to success
If you have questions about how to set up a process, contact us or set up a time on our calendar to find out how we can contribute to what you are doing.