Out with the Old and in with the New

“The studio is a laboratory, not a factory.  An exhibition is the result of your experiments, but the process is never-ending.  So, an exhibition is not a conclusion.” - Chris Ofili

The end of anything is the time to conclude, summarize, and evaluate how the process, program, whatever you are finishing.  Some people look at the end of a calendar year as a chance to do just that, evaluate the previous year and make some decisions and even goals for the upcoming year.  We can look at the end of the year as a chance to beat ourselves up over the lack of progress or lack of goals achieved in the past year.  Year-end should be simply an evaluation of did this get done or not, without any judgement.  That can be hard to do.  Simply reviewing the prior year to gain understanding or an assessment of where things are so that you can make plans for the upcoming year.  It should be a time marker or progress check in.

Adapting Goals are good and we should all have them, and you need to check in with the progress against the goal.  Do not put a lot of pressure on your year-end other than to check in.  When you have disrupters that appear in your life it can pause your goals or even shift your goals.  Learn to make adjustments as you go along.

I have had a few of those in the past couple of years.  I started working for a company and had big plans and goals to do things.  There were expectations on me as well from my new boss and company.  In the two years I worked for the company a few things happened along the way.  My daughter got married, my physical health needed some serious attention, my brother died, I got to focus on my mental health, and I got to focus on my family relationships.  I got the chance to focus on the things I needed to without even knowing I would need to focus on them.  Being with that company gave me the chance to focus on those things.  Now I was not as successful with my job as I wanted to be, or they wanted me to be.  I did get to learn a lot during that time and now my goals have been adjusted.  I became aware of the shifting of goals during that time, and I got to learn from them and not be judgmental of myself or others during that time.

Is it time to make some changes?  Contact us here or get a spot on our calendar to find out how we can work together in the new year.

It’s Year End – Time to Evaluate

How has your year been?

Have you dealt with adversity? Probably.

Did you have hardships? Possibly.

Perhaps you had your best year ever. Maybe you started a new job, new relationship, or welcomed a new family member this year.

How are you feeling about this year?

Aurora Borealis

As I look over the past year, I see a lot of things that have happened. I lost my father in February, welcomed my first grandson in March, and was hospitalized with COVID Pneumonia in April. I also finished a successful first year in business, finished writing my first book, and started a regular room on Clubhouse with a friend of mine.

Life is about perspective and this time of the year is especially prone to reflecting. Hopefully, you can and will take the time to reflect on the past year and see what can be learned from it and what could be improved. This is something that you could do every month, or even every week. Reflect on the the things that have been going on and what could you have done differently? That is how we grow and improve.

I hope that you get the chance to reflect and see what a wonderful life you have, even if this year was not a great year. One of my favorite movie lines is, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it."

If you want to more information on how you can improve your sales team contact us and set up a free consultation.

How to Properly Follow Up

Do you effectively follow up?  Do you know how to properly follow up?  How is your follow up game?  Do you want to improve how you follow up and become more effective?

We all have struggled with following up.  When to do it.  What to say other than, I am calling to follow up.  You send emails that fail because you did not stand out above the other 100-200 emails that they received that day.

Follow up can be fun and productive if we make it that way.  In this webinar we talk about ways to follow up, how to ask the client when we should follow up, and discuss effective tools that you can use to do the follow up.

There is even a bonus video for you to check out if you are interested, the 1985 Peach Bowl that I played in.  Check out the webinar and the football game if you choose to.

If you have questions about Pricebook Plus you can contact them.  If you need help with your sales team and you want to have a 30 minute meeting to discuss how you can improve your team with the help of Coach Chris grab a time on the calendar here.


Bonus video, Illinois vs Army 1985 Peach Bowl game:




Sales Planning with Coach Chris

Learning how to plan your sales goals for the year can be a challenge.

There are a few things that you will need to know in order to make a plan and be able to stick to it even when the industry seems to be turned up on it's ear!

Sales planning is something you do every month and not just at the end of the year for the next year.

Check out the video as Coach Chris and Pricebook discuss how we can plan and the impact it can and does make on our business.

If you want help planning your sales for this year or next year contact us or pick a time and date on our calendar here.


Watch the video here: