You Can Never Go Back

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” – Heraclitus

I used to think that I could always go back to things, and they would be the same as before, a friendship, a romantic

relationship, even a chore around the house. The reality is you can never go back to the same situation with the same expectations! You have changed, they have changed, and maybe even the situation has changed.  Things are constantly changing all around us and they change us.  Though nothing may have physically changed, I have walked away from puzzles and returned hours or days later to find the solution staring me in the face.   My perspective did change.  When it came to relationships, it took separation from some of those for me to realize this truth.  I wanted to go back to the way things were and the comfort or familiarity of that relationship, but I could not.  I did not realize it, until much later, that things have changed, sometimes significantly on either side or both sides.  I would get frustrated by the lack of emotional connection because I was looking for a familiar feeling or positive memory.  That was in the past and it was hard to realize or come to grips with that.  Every day we are making steps towards positive or negative growth whether we want to or not, we never stay the same.  I heard this when I was in my late 20’s or early 30’s and it has always stuck with me.  At times, I could see this clearly and not so much at others.

If you are in sales and you think that you can pick up where you left off, you might find that the situation has changed, a lot.  People have good days and bad days.  People change jobs and their personal world changes outside of you and them.  The world keeps spinning even though we do not want to admit that some times.  So, what can you do to stay connected with your clients?  It's called nurturing the leads.  If you are not spending time connecting with your clients, whether via email, phone call, text or even stopping in to see them, then you are not helping your clients or nurturing the relationship.  You may actually be losing them.  If you keep in touch with the clients, you will change as they change and you will both see the change.  It will be easier to connect and help them out as their needs have probably changed as well.

Connect with us via social media or set up a time for a free 30-minute conversation to see how you can keep up with the changing times.

3 Keys to offering maintenance agreements


Do you struggle with low call volumes for the technicians in the slower months?  Would you rather send a technician on a call then send them home at noon?  What can you do to help them understand the importance of the annual maintenance agreement?  Some service techs are great at offering annual maintenance agreements (AMA’s) and some struggle with it.  Like most items that the technicians offer it usually comes down to three things.

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