Teaching my younger self

What advice would you give your younger self?

This is a great question to ask when you are talking to someone with much more experience in your industry.  Generally, they will tell you to look out for this or that.  Get your accounting on track from day one, charge the proper amount for your services, build a savings for a rainy day.  Sometimes we want to do all things in the business, sales, install, accounting, etc.  And there is no way we can do all those things effectively long term.  Sometimes, we do not have a choice but to do all those things but when we can afford to give them up one by one, it frees you up to do the things that you love to do.  One of those tools can be a business or sales coach even if you are a smaller company.  A coach can give you a fresh perspective and give you the tools or insights to move your business in the right direction.  When you are trying to do all those things you can forget things and other things can slip through the cracks.  Next thing you know you are breaking even or maybe you lost money on the last job.  Maybe it happened because you did not see it coming or because you were in a rush.  With the proper help or coach, you can be more professional, charge a proper price for the work that you do,  and put money away, all while charging the customer a fair price for the work that you do.  When I got my first chance to lead a company, it was exciting.  Then I realized, I was responsible for other peoples well being or earning a living.  I had to make choices that affected a lot more people than just me and my family.  Being able to learn from your past is a wonderful thing.  Learning from others mistakes is even better because you do not have to go through the heartache or pain.  What can you do to learn from your past or others past?  Start by asking questions like this or others that will help you to learn from the past.  There are plenty of coaches out there willing to help, if you need a place to start, contact us for a free consultation to learn if we can help you.

Posted in HVAC, Personal, Sales, Uncategorized.